Research Experiences
- [2022. 11. - present] : Senior Research Scientist, 3D Vision Team, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab London.
- [2023. 07. - 2023. 12.] : Academic visitor, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College London.
- [2022. 06. - 2022. 10.] : Software engineer (Research Specialist), R&D Team, Disguise.
- [2021. 05. - 2022. 06.] : Research associate, ISN Group, Dept. of EEE, Imperial College London.
- [2018. 05. - 2021. 04.] : Senior research associate, Dept. of CS, University of Bristol.
- [2016. 06. - 2018. 05.] : Postdoc researcher, School of EE/CS, Queen Mary University of London.
- [2016. 07. - 2018. 05.] : Visiting researcher, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
- [2015. 08. - 2016. 04.] : Postdoc researcher, AHRC, CTRI, KAIST.
- [2011. 09. - 2015. 08.] : Research collaborator, Imperial College London, UK.
- [2012. 02. - 2015. 08.] : Research assistant supervised by Woontak Woo, KAIST.
- [2014. 10. 13. - 2015. 01. 12.] : Visiting researcher supervised by Tae-Kyun Kim @ ICVL Lab., ICL, UK.
- [2013. 12. 30. - 2014. 02. 28.] : Visiting researcher supervised by Tae-Kyun Kim @ ICVL Lab., ICL, UK.
- [2008. 09. - 2012. 01.] : Research assistant supervised by Woontak Woo, GIST.
- [2011. 09. 01. - 2011. 11. 30.] : Visiting researcher supervised by Tae-Kyun Kim @ ICVL Lab., ICL, UK.
- [2008. 06. 23. - 2008. 08. 23.] : Intern researcher @ U-VR Lab., GIST(Gwangju Institue of Science and Technology).
Current Projects
- [2022. 11. - present.] : Nueral Rendering Research in 3D Vision team, Huawei.
- [2022. 06. - 2022. 10.] : Advanced Mixed Realities (AdMiRe), Horizon 2020, European Union.
- [2021. 05. - 2022. 06.] : ENhanced Transparent inteRaction for trUstworthy and Safe auTonomy (EN-TRUST), UKRI, EPSRC.
Academic Activities
- [ICCVW 2023]: Organiser of To NeRF or not to NeRF: VSCHH @ ICCV 2023
- [ISUVR 2015]: General chair
- [ISUVR 2013]: Organizing chair
- [ISUVR 2012]: Student volunteer chair
- [2023]: Review for International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- [2022]: Review for Entertainment Computing
- [2019]: Review for Pattern Recognition (PR)
- [2016, 2018]: Review for Image and Vision Computing (IVC) Journal
- [2017]: Review for Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220).
- [2016]: Review for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
- [2009]: Review for International Journal of Robotics and Automations (IJRA).
- [2020, 2025]: Review, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
- [2019-2020]: Area Chair, IEEE VR; Conference Papers Category.
- [2019]: Program Committee, ICCV19 Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC).
- [2019]: Technical Program Committee, IEEE ICCV19 Workshop on HANDS.
- [2017-2019]: Technical Program Committee, British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC).
- [2018]: Technical Program Committee, ECCV18 Workshop on EPIC.
- [2017-2018]: Technical Program Committee, IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG).
- [2016]: Technical Program Committee, IEEE CVPR16 Workshop on HANDS.
- [2016]: Reviewer for Augmented Human International Conference (AH).
- [2011. 2013, 2015]: Review for IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR).
- [06, 12/2015]: Review for Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing (KING Computing).
Volunteer Experiences
- [2013. 10. 01. - 2013. 10. 04.] : Student Volunteer (SV) at International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2013, UniSA, Adelaide, AUS.
- [2011. 07. 09. - 2011. 07. 14.] : SV at HCI International (HCII) 2011, Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- [2010. 07. 07. - 2010. 07. 10.] : SV at (International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR) 2010, GIST at Gwangju, South Korea.
- [2009. 07. 08. - 2009. 07. 11.] : SV at ISUVR 2009, GIST at Gwangju, South Korea.
- [2008. 07. 10. - 2008. 07. 13.] : SV at ISUVR 2008, GIST at Gwangju, South Korea.
- [2005. 03. - 2005. 07.] : Leader of "The Overseas Volunteers Program(9th-China A)", Korea(March~June) - China(July), PAS(
Teaching Experiences
- [2022. 01. - 2022. 03.] : Teaching Assistant(ELEC97046/97121 - Human-Centered Robotics (Spring 2021-2022), Imperial College London.
- [2017. 11. 02.]: Guest Lecture @ Computer Laboratory module (Affective Computing), University of Cambridge, UK.
- [2012. 02. - 2015. 08.] : Teaching Assistant(GCT654: Visual Computing, GCT555: 3D Interaction Design), KAIST.
- [2007. 03. - 2008. 06.] : Teaching Assistant(HCI, Programming1,2, etc.), Sangmyung Univ.
- [2005. 09. - 2005. 12.] : Tutor of "Tutoring Program(C Language)", Sangmyung Univ.
- [2005. 01. - 2005. 02.] : Teaching Assistant at Jeju Embedded Camp of Sangmyung Univ.
Honors and Awards
Scholarship (I will repay these kindness to younger students) (unit: \ Korean Won)
- [2012. 02. - 2015. 08.] : KAIST sponsored student (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) sponsored student), KAIST. (Full scholarship)
- [2008. 09. - 2012.01.] : Government sponsored student, GIST. (Full scholarship)
- [2010. 09.] : 다산 장학금(제1회 정보통신공학부 성적(7)/연구(17) 우수 장학생, 연구 부문 10 순위 수혜), GIST. (\ 1,350,000)
- [2008. 09. - 2009. 08.] : 신입생 장학카드, GIST. (\ 1,000,000)
- [2007. 09. - 2008. 08.] : 이공계 대학원 연구 장학생, 한국 과학 재단(국가 과학기술 장학사업). (\ 8,000,000)
- [2006. 09.] : 무등 장학금, 무등산 구락부(무등 장학회). (\ 1,000,000)
- [2004. 10.] : 무등 장학금, 무등산 구락부(무등 장학회). (\ 1,000,000)
- [2004. 12.] : 대열 보일러 장학금, 남도학숙. (\ 1,000,000)
- [2005. 09.] : Academic Scholoarship at The Division of Software, Sangmyung Univ. (\ 1,760,000)
- [2005. 09.] : Academic Scholoarship at The Division of Software, Sangmyung Univ. (\ 1,650,000)
- [2005. 03.] : 계당 장학재단 장학금, 계당 장학회 at Sangmyung Univ. (\ 2,000,000)
- [2004. 09.] : Academic Scholoarship at The Division of Software, Sangmyung Univ. (\ 940,000)
- [2004. 03.] : Academic Scholoarship at The Division of Software, Sangmyung Univ. (\ 1,610,000)
- [2003. 09.] : 1st on The List at The Division of Software, Sangmyung Univ. (\ 2,931,000)
- [2016. 07.] : Y.Jang, I.Jeon, T-K.Kim, W.Woo, Best Poster Award at IEEE CVPR16 Workshop on HANDS, Las Vegas, USA, sponsored by Facebook/Oculus and Purdue University.
- [2016. 04.] : Y.Jang, I.Jeon, T-K.Kim, W.Woo, Best Presentation Award of Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed Reality (APMR) 2016, 22-24 Apr.2016, Andong, S.Korea.
- [2014. 06.] : J.Ham, J.Hong, Y.Jang, S.H.Ko, W.Woo, Best Paper Award of the 2nd International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (in the context of HCII 2014), 22-27 Jun.2014, Crete, Greece.
- [2014. 02.] : Creative Challenge 2013, "AirSculpt, WritstBand" Projects are awarded by SK Telecom co. (I was participated as a team mentor)
- [2012. 08.] : Y.Jang, W.Hwang, Y.Kim, H.Son, Z. Zhang, The 1st Prize in Design Challenge Activity (Topic: Fun in AR Glasses), ISUVR2012 (at KAIST).
- [2012. 07.] : N.Park, Y.Jang, W.Woo, 정보과학회 2012 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회 우수논문상 {Korea Computer Congress 2012(KCC 2012); Best Paper on KCC2012 (at Jeju Phoenix Island Hotel)}
- [2012. 06.] : Y.Jang, J.-W.Kim, S.G.Moon, T.-J.Nam, D.S.Gwon, W.Woo, 정보과학회 2012 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회 우수논문 {KCC 2012; Best Paper on KCC2012 (at Jeju Phoenix Island Hotel)}
- [2009. 11.] : Y.Jang, W.Woo, 정보과학회 제 36회 추계학술회('09) 우수논문 {Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE); Excellent Paper on the 36th Autumn Conference (at Ewha Womans Univ.)}
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those data will finally move to this page! :)